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Thomas E. Dewey Campaign Buttons

Thomas Dewey Campaign Buttons. Welcome to the Thomas Dewey campaign buttons section on New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey was the Republican Party presidential nominee in 1944 and 1948. Pictured here are Thomas Dewey campaign buttons along with one that features his 1948 running mate and future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Earl Warren. Dewey won his first political office when he was elected District Attorney for New York County in 1937. For his 1944 vice presidential running mate, Dewey selected Senator John Bricker of Ohio.
Dewey and Warren . One and a quarter inch picture campaign button from 1948 for Thomas Dewey and his..
For President Thomas E. Dewey. One and a quarter inch presidential campaign button for Thomas De..
Draft Dewey For Governor. Two and 1/8 on an inch Tom Dewey for Governor campaign button. Dewey..
For Governor Thomas E. Dewey. Two and a half inch Tom Dewey for Governor campaign button. Dewe..
Dewey. One and three quarter inch campaign button for Thomas Dewey..
Dewey And Bricker. 7/8 of an inch campaign button from 1944 for Thomas Dewey and his vice presiden..
Thomas E. Dewey. Just under one and a quarter inch litho campaign button for Thomas E. Dewey..
Vote Dewey. One Small 3/4 of an inch campaign button for Thomas Dewey..
Dewey. Plastic pin in the shape of an elephant for Thomas Dewey. The pin is approximately one inch ..
Dewey. One and a quarter inch campaign button for Thomas Dewey..
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