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John Kerry Campaign Buttons

Shop John Kerry Campaign Buttons starting at $4.00. Welcome to the Senator John Kerry campaign buttons section on Listed is a large selection of campaign buttons from Senator John Kerry's 2004 run for the White House as the Democratic Party nominee. For his vice presidential running mate, Kerry selected Senator John Edwards of North Carolina. This section also features Kerry Edwards campaign buttons.
A Stronger America Kerry Edwards 2004. Two and a quarter inch campaign button from 2004 for John Ke..
John Kerry President. This is a three inch "flasher campaign button" from 2004 the alternates bet..
Bring It On! John Kerry For President 2004. Three inch campaign button in full color from 2004 for ..
The Come Back Kid John Kerry '04. Attractive two and a quarter inch button for John Kerry..
Help Is On The Way Vote Kerry Edwards 2004 . Two and a quarter inch button that features 2004 democr..
As New Hampshire Goes So Goes The Nation. Nice two and a quarter inch button that features a picture..
The Torch Is Passed For A New JFK To Kerry. Attractive three inch campaign button for John Kerry f..
Kerry Edwards 2004 United Federation Of Teachers. Rectangle shaped two by one and a half inch campai..
Band Of Brothers Veterans For Kerry. Very nice two and a quarter inch button for Vietnam Veteran Sen..
Fire Fighters for Kerry IAFF. Two and a quarter inch button from one of Senator Kerry's key labor un..
I'm Helping Win on Election Day. Two and a quarter inch election day campaign button from New Hampsh..
The Real Deal John Kerry For President 2004. Rectangle shaped 2 by 3 inch 2004 campaign button for ..
Hafer Supports The "Real Deal" 2004. This is large four inch in diameter campaign button from 2..
Women For Kerry 2004. Neat graphics on this two and a quarter inch campaign button for John Kerry..
MEA Votes for Kerry Edwards. Three inch button from the Michigan Education Association for Kerry Edw..