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Presidential Hopefuls Campaign Buttons
Presidential Candidates Hopefuls Also Ran Campaign Buttons. Welcome to the Presidential Hopefuls campaign buttons section on campaign Pictured are presidential pinbacks and political memorabilia from candidates who either ran or where encouraged to run for president. Featured are presidential candidate campaign buttons for North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms, Vermont Governor Howard Dean, New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley, and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Rev. Jesse Jackson, California Governor Jerry Brown, Colorado Senator Gary Hart and many more!
Engler Of Michigan President . One and three quarter inch campaign button from for Republican pre..
Smith Of New Hampshire For President. One and three quarter inch campaign button for Republican pr..
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez President 2020. Two and a quarter inch campaign button for 2020 president..
Leadership For Tomorrow Hagel For President 2008. Two and a quarter inch button for Nebraska Senator..
The Right Leader 1996 Phil Gramm of Texas. One and three quarter inch campaign button from 1996 fo..
Gary Bauer Pro Family President 2000. One and three quarter inch campaign button from 2000 for Repub..
Democrats For Powell '96. Square shaped one and a half by one and a half campaign button from 1996..
1980 Brown & Ronstadt. One and a half 7/8 of an inch campaign button from 1980 for Californi..
When in Doubt , Mumble Boren For President Dynamic Inaction. One and three quarter inch campaign b..
Smile With Yorty In '72. One and a half inch campaign button from 1972 for Mayor of Los Angeles ..
Chris Christie For President 2016. Three inch button for former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie ..
Rockefeller In '68. One inch button from 1968 for republican presidential hopeful and then New York ..
Bob Dornan President 2000. One and three quarter inch button for former California Congressman Bob D..
Dennis Kucinich For President '08. Two and a quarter inch campaign button for Ohio Congressman Denni..
Charlie Crist 2012 The Right Choice. Two and a quarter inch button for Republican Presidential hope..