Biden Will Not Travel To Milwaukee To Accept Nomination As Election Day Clock Hits 90 Days

Joe Biden 2020 Campaign ButtonsAugust 5, 2020 - The upcoming Democratic National Convention to be held in Milwaukee , Wisconsin took another step to a nearly all virtual event as it was Donald Trump 2020 Campaign Buttonannounced that former Vice President Joe Biden would not travel there to give his acceptance speech. Now it is expected that Biden will give the speech in his home state of Delaware.

The Milwaukee convention has been continually scaled back  due to Covid - 19. Because of  increased concern over community spread of Covid - 19 , health officials and Democratic Party leaders decided is was best to reduce travel to Milwaukee by Biden and other scheduled speakers. President Donald Trump is also not expected to give his convention speech at the Republican National Convention in Charlotte , North Carolina. One possible location for Trump's speech is the White House.

Jo Jorgensen Libertarian For President 2020 Campaign ButtonNew polling in several battleground states are measuring the potential impact of 3rd party presidential candidates on the Trump vs. Biden race. In Iowa ,  Trump has 48% , to 46% for Biden and 2% for Libertarian party presidential candidate Dr. Jo Jorgensen. In Wisconsin ,  Biden has 52% to 38% for Trump. North Carolina has Biden at 44% , followed by Trump at 40% , Jorgensen at 4% and Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins at 2%.

In the Keystone State of Pennsylvania Biden has 44% , Trump has 43% , Jorgensen is at 4% and Hawkins is at 2%. Finally in Florida ,  Biden and Trump are both at 43% , followed by Jorgensen at 4% and Hawkins at 2%.

No Press For Republican Convention As Calendar Ticks Down To 93 Days To Election

Joe Biden 2020 Campaign ButtonsAugust 2 , 2020 - Due to social distance requirements because of Covid 19 and limited space the Republican National Convention  to be held in Charlotte , Donald Trump 2020 Campaign ButtonNorth Carolina will be closed to the press. The convention scheduled to run from Friday August 21 though Monday August 24 , will instead be live streamed. It is is still undecided whether President Donald Trump with make a in person live speech at the convention.

In new polling out in the all important battleground state of Pennsylvania former Vice President Joe Biden has 50% to 41% for Trump.

Convention Month Arrives , As Countdown To Election Continues With 94 Days Remaining

Joe Biden 2020 Campaign ButtonsAugust 1 , 2020 - With the arrival of August , the National Political Party Conventions are set to take center stage. As Covid 19 caused the re - scheduling of the Donald Trump 2020 Campaign ButtonDemocratic National Convention from July to August , we are now set to have conventions back to back.

The Democratic National Convention will be held in Milwaukee , Wisconsin beginning on Monday August 17 , 2020. The Republican National Convention will kick off in Charlotte , North Carolina on Friday August 21 , 2020.

Even though each convention is expected to be scaled back due to Covid 19 former Vice President Joe Biden is still scheduled to travel to Milwaukee to accept the nomination and President Donald Trump plans to go to Charlotte to accept the nod from the GOP.

With 95 Days Left In Race , A Busy August Looms

Joe Biden 2020 Campaign ButtonsJuly 31 , 2020 - Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to deliberate on his vice presidential running  as July comes to a conclusion. With the Democratic Donald Trump 2020 Campaign ButtonNational Convention scheduled to start on August 17 , it is now being reported that Biden will announce  his pick  the week of August 10. Until then pundits will continue to debate who is rising and falling in the veep stakes.

Meanwhile , President Donald Trump traveled to Florida for some fund raising and to get a briefing on Hurricane Isaias which is expected to brush the east coast of Florida over the weekend.

As far as polling in the presidential race , an average of polls finds Biden will 50.2% to 42% for Trump.

Another Day More Polls With 96 Days Till Election

Joe Biden 2020 Campaign ButtonsJuly 30, 2020 - A bunch of new statewide polls were released today on the presidential race. In New Hampshire former Vice President Joe Biden has the supportDonald Trump 2020 Campaign Button of 53% to 40% for President Donald Trump. In Biden's birthplace of the battleground state of Pennsylvania , he scores 50% to 41% for Trump. In North Carolina Trump has 48% to 47% for Biden.

In Wisconsin , Biden has the support of 45% to 35% for Trump. Also in Wisconsin Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgenson has 2%. In Michigan , Biden has 49% to 37% for Trump. Finally in the Sunshine State of Florida Biden has 50% to 46% for Trump.