Walter Mondale 1984 Democratic Presidential Nominee Dies At 93

Walter Mondale Campaign ButtonApril 20 , 2021 - Walter Mondale who served at President Jimmy Carter's Vice President and  ran for the White House against President Ronald Reagan , Walter Mondale Campaign Button has died at the age of  93. In 1976 , Mondale a U.S. Senator from Minnesota , was elevated to the national stage when Jimmy Carter selected him as his vice presidential running mate. Carter and Mondale will go on to win election that year.

In 1980 , Carter and Mondale lost their re-election bid. Mondale however , would secure the 1984 Democratic nomination and go on to face President Ronald Reagan in the November election. Though Mondale lost in a landslide , he would make history by selecting New York Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro to he his vice presidential running mate. Ferraro was the first woman to be on the  ticket of a national party.

Here now is look at a selection of Walter Mondale campaign buttons as we mark his passing. 

 Carter Mondale Campaign Button  Carter Mondale Campaign Button Carter Mondale Campaign Button Walter Mondale Campaign Button Walter Mondale Campaign ButtonWalter Mondale Campaign ButtonWalter Mondale Campaign ButtonWalter Mondale Campaign Button