Republican National Committee Announces That It Will Move 2016 National Convention to June

 Rand Paul for President campaign button.January 24, 2014 - Hoping to give their party's presidential nominee a better chance at winning, the Republican National Committee Marco Rubio 2016 campaign button.decided today to hold its National Convention in June of 2016.

This will be the earliest Republican National Convention since 1948, when Thomas Dewey was nominated for President.

By having their convention right after the end of the presidential primary season, this will allow the  party's nominee to tap into general election funds sooner then in years past. In 2012 Mitt Romney was not able to use general election monies until the last week in August. Many in the Republican Party felt this put Romney at a distinct advantage and was one of the reasons contributing to his loss.

Chris Christie 2016 campaign button.Chris Daniels of Campaign Buttons-Etc. predicting that this early convention will be good for the presidential campaign button business.1948 Dewey Warren campaign button. Daniels believes a June convention will allow the public to be able to purchase campaign buttons featuring both the presidential and vice presidential nominee two months earlier than in the past. Jugate campaign buttons featuring  presidential and vice presidential candidates are generally the most popular.

The Republican National Committee also announced that   finalist for hosting the 2016 Republican National Convention are down to Las Vegas, Nevada; Kansas City, Missouri; Columbus, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; and Phoenix, Arizona.