Chris Christie Campaign Buttons Most Popular Of The Year

Chris Christie 2016 campaign buttonDecember 21, 2013 - If the sale of campaign buttons determined who would be the next  President of the United States, then New Jersey Governor Chris Christie can start writing his inaugural address.

According to Chris Daniels of campaignbuttons-etc, Chris Christie for President 2016 campaign buttons were the runaway seller for the year. Boosted by a 20 point win in his 2013 re-election campaign for Governor and increased media attention, Christie for President campaign buttons have been strong sellers.

While Christie's fellow Republicans like Senator Paul Rand of Kentucky and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida receive plenty of press attention, the sale of their campaign buttons have lagged far behind that of Christie.  The lead in the sale of Christie campaign buttonsHillary Clinton for President campaign button. matches that of Christie performance in popular opinion polls where he has been first in most polls throughout the year. Surprisingly as this point Christie is selling more campaign buttons than his potential rival for the White House, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton has dominated public opinions polls throughout the year over any potential challenger for the 2016 Democratic nomination for President. Clinton's dominance in polls is matched in the sale of Hillary Clinton for President 2016 campaign buttons as she easily out sells any potential challengers.

While Clinton polls in the 60s in terms of support, her other Democratic contenders register only in the single digits. Those low poll numbers also match the sale of their respective campaign buttons. While 2016 presidential campaign are available for Governor Andrew Rand Paul campaign buttonCuomo of New York, Vice President Joe Biden and Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland their sales are just as low as their poll numbers.

2014 will be a crucial year for the front runners for their respective party nomination Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton. If Christie and ClintonJoe Biden for President campaign button. continue to lead in the polls we can expect that to be reflected in their continued dominance in the sale of their presidential campaign buttons.