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Obama 11G - Witness History  Obama 2008 Campaign Button
Witness History  Obama 2008. Large three inch campaign button from 2008 for Barack Obama ..
Obama 11J - Obama Is Da Bomb-A  Campaign Button
Obama Is Da Bomb-A. One and three quarter inch campaign button that has word play slogan from  2008 ..
Obama 11N - Witness History  Obama 2008 Campaign Button
Witness History  Obama 2008. Two and a quarter inch campaign button from 2008 for Barack Obama ..
Obama 9L - Utility Workers  Obama  2012  Forward Campaign Button
Utility Workers  Obama  2012  Forward. Two and a quarter inch campaign button from 2012 for   Presid..
Hillary  41A - Stonger Together Campaign Button
Stonger Together. Two and a quarter inch campaign button obtained from a street vendor at the 20..
Obama 9D - Deadheads for Obama  Campaign Button
Deadheads for Obama. Classic  Deadheads inspired two and a quarter inch campaign button for Barack O..
Obama 9M - New Jersey The Great Seal Of The State Of New Jersey Obama 2008 Campaign Button
New Jersey The Great Seal Of The State Of New Jersey Obama 2008. Super  colorful 3 inch campaign..
Obama 4F - New Jersey Campaign Button
New Jersey Two and a quarter inch campaign button for New Jersey and Twitt..
Obama 36B - Barack Obama 2nd Term Inauguration Button
Barack Obama 2nd Term Inauguration January 21, 2013  Washington, D.C. 44th President 2013. Two and a..
Biden  5A  - Obama President Biden Vice President 2008 Campaign Button
Obama President Biden Vice President 2008.  Classic two and a quarter inch campaign button  from 200..
Obama 12N - NY1 DNC  Denver 2008 Lapel Pin
NY1 DNC  Denver 2008.  Great looking lapel pin from the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denve..
Obama 17B - Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Campagin Button
Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare June 28th 2012.Two and a quarter inch campaign button that celebrate..
Obama 9G - 2012  Campaign Button
2012. Other then the date no words need on this Deadheads inspired two and a quarter inch campaign b..
Biden 10A - LGBT For Obama Biden 2012 Campaign Button
LGBT For Obama Biden 2012. Two and a quarter inch campaign button expressing support from the LGBT (..
Obama 19B - LGBT For Obama Biden 2012 Campaign Button
LGBT For Obama Biden 2012. Two and a quarter inch campaign button expressing support from the LGBT (..