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Re-Elect President Bush 1992. Two and a quarter inch campaign button from 1992 for President Geo..
Hillary Clinton For First Lady 1992. Two and a quarter inch color picture campaign button from 1992 ..
Tom Foley President 1992. One and three quarter inch presidential hopeful button from 1992 for then ..
New Hampshire Wants Harkin In '92. One and three quarter inch button from 1992 for the Senator from..
Ross Perot For President '92. Two and a quarter inch campaign button from 1992 for Ross Perot..
Vote Perot Stockdale '92. One and three quarter inch Ross Perot campaign button from 1992 that ..
Ross Perot For President '92. Large three and a half inch campaign button from 1992 for Ross Pe..
Now We Have Choice Perot For President 1992. Large three and a half inch campaign button from ..
I Want Ross Perot For President '92. Two and a half inch campaign button from 1992 for Ross Pe..
Now Altogether For Bush-Quayle '92. Super graphics on this rectangle shaped 1 3/4 by 2 3/4 inch..
Bush Quayle 92. Three inch campaign button from 1992 for President George H.W. Bush ..
Bush Quayle 1992. Neat design on this one and half inch campaign button from 1992 for George Bu..
Vote '92 Hawaii Is For Clinton Gore. One and a half inch campaign button from 1992 for Bill Clin..
Clinton Gore '92. Square shaped campaign button from 1992 for Clinton and Gore that features their ..
American For Chuck Robb 1992. One and three quarter inch button from 1992 for Virginia Senator Chuck..